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Stream ecological studies on the invertebrate fauna in


- a typical rift valley stream on the Danish island Bornholm in the Baltic Sea

  by Preben Kristensen pk@ringeby.dk

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              MS Thesis

Most of the material presented on this homepage originates from my MS Thesis:

"Stream ecological studies on the invertebrate fauna in Kobbeå - a typical rift valley stream on the Danisk island Bornholm in the Baltic Sea" (translated fron Danish).

The MS Thesis is available in a printed volume (not publised). It is possible to download the thesis from this site (see below).

A short description of the content of the thesis is available in the MS Word document MS-thesis.doc (24 kb), which can be read online or downloaded by clicking on the filename.

A summary of the MS Thesis in MS Word format summary.doc (41 kb) can be read online or downloaded by clicking on the filename.

The full MS Thesis KOBBE.zip (105 Mb), including text, figures, tables and appendices is only available in Danish at the time being. If you wish to download the report, please click on the filename. 

All the material on this homepage www.BIOkon.dk and the MS Thesis is Copyright © 2004 Preben Kristensen.

Reproduction is allowed with explicit indication of the source.

The report and content of the homepage should be cited like this:

Kristensen, Preben (2004):Stream ecological studies on the invertebrate fauna in Kobbeå - a typical rift valley stream on the Danisk island Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. MS Thesis, Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, april 2004.

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