1) Vårbæk is one of the small rift valley streams with an upland area of only 1,4 km2.

Until recently the brook has been heavily polluted from Rø town.

Photos > Vårbæk

Vandløbsøkologiske studier af invertebratfaunaen i


- et typisk bornholmsk sprækkedalsvandløb

  af Preben Kristensen pk@ringeby.dk

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3) One more picture towards the waterfall.

2) These piictures are taken just upstream the coast road. As you can see, there is a nice waterfall.

6) - And in addition more ore less disintegrated machine parts.

Things like this is not uncommon i small streams on Bornholm. I wonder, how long time there will go, before the authorities will clean up this mess?

5) Unfortunately the brooklet is disfigured by a lot of junk. At these pictures you can see worn out tires from tractors and cars...

4) This little stream belongs to the group og streams on Bornholm, that dries out regularly in the summer months. This means, that the fauna is markedly influenced by "pond type" invertebrates.