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Vandløbsøkologiske studier af invertebratfaunaen i - et typisk bornholmsk sprækkedalsvandløb af Preben Kristensen pk@ringeby.dk |
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1. Absalonsen, N.O. (1982): Livscyklus, vækst, produktion og drift af sommergenerationerne af Baetis rhodani (Baetidae), Odagmia ornata og Eusimulium costatum (Simuliidae) i Rold Kilde. Upubliceret Specialerapport, Ferskvandsbiologisk Laboratorium, Københavns Universitet, 43 pp + figurer og tabeller.
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7. Andersen, T. & Tysse, Å (1984b): The life cycle of Halesus radiatus (Curtis, 1834) (Trich., Limnephilidae) in a West Norwegian lowland stream. Fauna Norv. Ser. B 31: 81-87.
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10. Andersen, T.H.; Hansen, H.O.; Iversen, T.M.; Jacobsen, D.; Krøjgaard, L. & Poulsen, N. (1992): Growth and feeding of 0+ Brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) introduced to two small Danish streams. – Arch. Hydrobiol. 125(3): 339-346.
11. Andersen, T.H.; Friberg, N.; Hansen, H.O.; Iversen, T.M.; Jacobsen, D.;Krøjgaard, L. (1993): The effects of introduction of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) on Gammarus pulex L. drift and density in two fishless Danish streams. – Arch. Hydrobiol. 126(3): 361-371
12. Andersson, H. (1997): Diptera Ptychopteridae, Phantom Crane Flies, pp 193-207 i: Nilsson A.N. (Ed.): Aquatic Insects of North Europe – A taxonomic Handbook. Vol. 2. Odonata – Diptera. Apollo Books, Denmark.
13. Andrassy, I. (1978): Nematoda, pp 98-117 i: Illies, J. (Ed.): Limnofauna Europaea. A checklist of the Animals Inhabiting European Inland Waters, with Accounts of their Distribution and Ecology (except Protozoa), 2. Edition, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart & New York.
14. Aspöck, H; Aspöck, U. & Hölzel H. (1978): Megaloptera et Planipennia, pp 329-332 i: Illies, J. (Ed.): Limnofauna Europaea. A checklist of the Animals Inhabiting European Inland Waters, with Accounts of their Distribution and Ecology (except Protozoa), 2. Edition, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart & New York.
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16. Bagge, P. (1995): Emergence and upstream flight of lotic mayflies and caddisflies (Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera) in a lake outlet, central Finland. – Entomologica Fennica 6: 91-97.
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19. Bass, J.A.B. (1998): Last-instar larvae and pupae of the Simuliidae of Britain and Ireland. A key with brief ecological notes. Freshwater Biological Association, Scientific Publication No. 55, 105pp.
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28. Cranston, P.S.; Oliver, D.R. & Sæther, O.A. (1983): The larvae of Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region – Keys and diagnosis. Pp 149-291 i: Wiederholm T. (Ed.): Chironomidae of the Holarctic Region. Keys and Diagnosis. Part 1. Larvae. – Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement No. 19.
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38. Bradt, P.; Urban, M.; Goodman, N.; Bissell, S. & Spiegel, I. (1999): Stability and resilience in benthis macroinvertebrate assemblages. Impact of physical disturbance over twenty-five years. Hydrobiologia 403: 123-133.
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41. Brittain, J.E. (1972): The life cycles of Leptophlebia vespertina (L.) and L. marginata (L.) (Ephemeroptera) in Llyn Dinas, North Wales. – Freshwat. Biol. 2: 271-277.
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45. BRK (1999): Vandmiljøovervågning, vandløb og kilder. Bornholms Amts Tekniske Forvaltning. Rapportnummer M.6-99, 37 pp.
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47. BRK (2001a): Vandmiljøovervågning, vandløb og kilder. Årsrapport om Vandmiljøplanens overvågning (NOVA) for vandløb og kilder. Bornholms Amts Tekniske Forvaltning. Rapport nummer M.05-2001, 47 pp.
48. BRK (2001b): Vandforsyning på Bornholm 2000. Bornholms Amts Tekniske Forvaltning, Rapport nummer M.11-2001, 82 pp.
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